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The Freedom of Living for Christ- A Testimony

I was living with Christ, but not for Him. He was a part of my life, but not the center of it. I

would take time to pray, but not live in prayer. I was one foot in, one foot out. And as it says in

Revelations 3:16, “because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of

my mouth.” This cannot be more true. I was living this life where I would party on the weekend

then go to Mass on Sunday. That was how I knew Him, by those times at Mass and the

occasional times of prayer. I felt like I knew Jesus, but there was no way I could receive all He

wanted for me living this way.

9x12 Water Color Painting of St Peter By Isabella Keefe

But God had more for me than that. While I was on a retreat that winter of my final year at

college, the Lord put the desire on my heart to be a missionary, to take my faith to the next level

and not only have my own relationship with Him but share that with others.

I was never planning on becoming a missionary. In fact, I was very hesitant and denied the call at first. My plan was to graduate, get a job, and live a “normal” life. Good thing that God has

greater plans than I ever could.

During my time on the road, I would hear from others that my life seems so restricting or tiring.

People would comment about the fact that there was no free time or the fact that we would stay

at a different home every night, living out of a suitcase. And while this all seems hard from the

outside (and was hard sometimes), it wasn’t until I answered His call and became a missionary,

going all in for Him, did I feel truly free.

When you live for Christ, you will have abundant life. Jesus told me that there was more, that He

had more for me than a lukewarm life, and He did. I’m not saying you have to become a

missionary, but simply living for God, following His will, and surrendering your life to Him day

after day will bring a true freedom that only He can provide.

Written By Kara Schurman

Scripture Study Questions: Revelation Chapter 3

  1. What stood out to you as you read? Why?

  2. What did that piece of scripture reveal about God and His heart?

  3. What did the scripture reveal about His desire for us?

  4. How can we amend our lives today to live for God as opposed to merely having God as a minor player in our lives?

  5. How can we invite others around us to live in greater communion with God?

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