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Make Disciples of All Nations

Peter was sitting on a rock outside of Rome. He just needed a minute. He needed a moment of silence, a moment to breathe. There were so many people that needed to hear the Lord's Word. So many people that needed to be saved. What if he couldn't reach them all? What if they didn't accept it? Doubt started to mix with Peter's fatigue. If only Jesus was here. He had such a strong and gentle way of leading and addressing the people. Jesus had incredible authority that the people couldn’t help but listen to. Peter could never measure up. Of course not, Jesus was the Son of God. Peter wasn't supposed to compare but regardless of who Jesus was, Peter missed his best friend. He missed laying in the grass late at night and looking at the stars with Him. They would see them as all the souls that they were going to lead to the Father. There was nothing quite like Jesus's love for the Father. There was nothing like the passion that would fill Jesus's voice when he spoke of Him. Peter loved it. Peter missed it. The friendship of Jesus was something so special. Something not many people would experience as he had. 

Peter felt a tear roll down his cheek as he ached for his friend. He ached to hear His laugh or bump shoulders with Him as they walked or listen to Him talk. Peter ached to be with his best friend. Peter closed his eyes and imagined His face. Jesus was always a little sweaty from the hot Jerusalem sun but there was always a smile. There was always a twinkle in His eyes. Even as He rose into the Heavens those eyes looked so intently at them. They were so full of love, understanding, and encouragement. Nothing could compare. Nothing was held back. Jesus knew that they could do it. 

Peter took a deep breath and wiped his tears away. It was so other people could see those eyes, that he worked. It was so other people could hear that laugh that he preached. It was for his best friend that he pushed on when he had nothing left to give. Peter knew that Jesus was up in heaven giving him more so he could continue to give. All of Heaven was cheering for him. Back to Rome he went.

Written by,

Gertrude Wildflower

Scripture Study Questions: 1 John 4:18-21

  1. Reading the journal and scripture, what stood out to you? Why do you think it stood out?

  2. What does the scripture reveal about loving our neighbor? Why do we love those around us?

  3. Have you ever felt like Peter in the journal? How so?

  4. What can you do this week to bring the love of Christ to those you encounter like Peter did for the Romans?

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