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Lord Send Patience

Artwork By Isabelle Keefe

I was reflecting on where all my time seems to be going one day. I get so much done in a day but by the end of it, I still feel like my "to do" list is so long. How does that happen? Where is my time? I realized so much of it is normally spent driving. I mean it goes to other things that could probably be cut out but on average my day goes to 2 hours of driving. And it's hard to focus on anything but driving when you're doing it. I could listen to an audio book or podcast but I can't write down any of the things that stand out or underline important phrases. I can talk on the phone but someone isn't always available for that. I realized I would dread driving, or wishing the time away and finding myself zoning out while I was driving. Not very safe.

The world lives so fast. As I sat in a line of cars at a red light, the truck in front revved his engine in anticipation of it turning green. It eventually turned green & immediately 2 cars behind me began to honk. It had been about 2 seconds & those people could not wait. As I drove along the car behind me sped past me and almost hit the car in the other lane. It was too much. There is so much impatience in the world. There is so much rushing around and honking at people not going as fast as they could be going.

God has called us to this moment, why are we rushing it? Where did people's love of life go? You were put on this earth to live these particular moments. No one else is ever going to live this moment the way you are. St. Gianna says,"Live holy the present moment.” God has called you to be holy in this moment. God can only work in the present. If you're rushing through the now, you’ll miss Him working. He can only work in however much space you give.

While you're sitting in the car driving next time, maybe try praying a Hail Mary. Start small & maybe you can work your way up to the rosary. Try listening to Praise & Worship music while you do chores. Listen to the daily readings while you take a shower. You have so many “in between” moments. Don’t let them go to waste. There are so many resources out there. Utilize them to help you live in the moment. 

By Gertrude Wildflower

Scripture Study Questions: Luke 10:38-42

  1. What stood out to you as you were reading and why do you think it stood out?

  2. Between the article and scripture what did it reveal about God's desire for our lives?

  3. After reading these, what is the invitation the Lord is inviting you into?

  4. As this week goes on what are some practical ways you can slow down?

  5. What is one thing you can do this week to share this with those you encounter?

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